The Office of Graduate Student Life provides a variety of services to support graduate students throughout their time at UCF

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

  • Useful Apps All Grad Students Should Love & Use (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    Do you ever wonder if there is a great app out there that you are missing out on? Need help staying organized, taking notes, or need a better way to communicate with classmates over shared projects? Well look no further as this session will introduce helpful and important apps that all grad students should love and use! We will cover …

    Graduate Student Life
  • Optimizing Your Online Presence (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    Join us for this two in one workshop to learn more about evaluating research impacts and managing your online research profile. Part 1: Citation Metrics & Measuring Impact: Citation metrics provide quantitative data used to evaluate the impact of a scholar’s research. Several methods and tools exist to assist scholars with obtaining information about citation counts and impact data, such …

    Graduate Student Life
  • “Writing to Learn” and “Learning to Write”: Two Strategies on the Road to Expertise

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    While writing facilitates learning effectively, it also serves a means for a writer to become an expert in their field. Writing studies have shown how low stakes writing helps writers to learn constructed domain knowledge in their academic field, provided that writers practice short, informal writing tasks that will encourage them to focus their attention on a particular aspect of …

    Graduate Student Life
  • Library Research & Literature Review Strategies (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    What strategies are you using to conduct library research? This session highlights effective strategies to locate sources for literature reviews and research projects. Learn about citation tracking options, database search strategies, creating alerts to stay updated on publications, features for customizing Google Scholar, and tips for organizing sources with citation management tools. Please bring your laptop to follow along with …

    Graduate Student Life