UCF Global

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

  • IEW - Presentation of the Russian Studies Program’s International Project “Connecting Classroom

    Classroom Building 1: 205

    Russian club will be joining Dr. Kourova’s class from 8-8:50AM to Skype with Thomas M. Leary, Minister Counselor for Public Affairs for the Embassy of the United States in Moscow. Minister Counselor Leary will be sharing his experiences in the foreign service and will allow for some time at the end of the Skype call for a Q&A. Thomas Leary …

    UCF Global Events
  • IEW - International Scholarships & Career Opportunities

    UCF Global: 101

    Are you looking for opportunities that will fully fund your education abroad? The Office of Prestigious Awards is the UCF campus representative for all prestigious scholarships. In this session learn about scholarships for international travel, as well as international career opportunities.

    UCF Global Events
  • IEW - Service-Learning Student Showcase

    Student Union: Pegasus Ballroom

    Join us as students present their academic service-learning projects to faculty judges and the general public. Come and learn how service with local, regional, national, and international organizations benefits student learning outcomes as well as the greater community.

    UCF Global Events
  • IEW - Sustainability Session

    UCF Global: 101

    UCF Global will be hosting Fulbright Scholar Dr. Kevin Meehan from the Department of English and UCF Sustainability Initiatives (SI) to discuss viability in modern society. Dr. Meehan will present on sustainable agriculture and climate change adaption, while SI will showcase their vision and projects to create a sustainable campus.

    UCF Global Events
  • IEW - Cultural Traditions of India: Music and Art

    Burnett Honors College: Reading Room, Foyer, and Meditation Garden

    Cultural representations of India and the region presented by Pandit Nandkishor Muley and his students of the Burnette Honors College.

    UCF Global Events
  • IEW - Peace Corps Info Session: International Education

    UCF Global: 101

    Come learn more about educating others in a different country. Live, Learn, and Work with a Community Overseas. Change lives, including your own, by serving in the Peace Corps. Join us at this information session with Peace Corps Campus Recruiter, Niko Kostakis, to learn about Volunteer experiences, have your questions answered, and gain tips to guide you through the application …

    UCF Global Events