UCF Global

Thursday, April 14, 2022

  • Botswana: Politics, Environment, and Education

    Barbara Ying Center: BYC-101

    Join us for lunch and a discussion with Prof. Agreement Lathi Jotia, Dr. Lucretia Wame Hambira, and Dr. Kebapetse Lotshwao on climate change adaptation, politics, economy, globalization and higher education. Lunch provided. Hosted in partnership with the UCF College of Community Innovation and Education and the UCF Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research. Registration is required, please email Mirvate …

    UCF Global Events
  • Stalking Victimization: Results of a National Study of Victims


    UCF’s Center for the Study of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery and UCF’s Violence Against Women Cluster present a webinar on stalking victimization. Representatives from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics will provide an overview of a recent study on stalking victimization. Topics will include findings on victim-offender relationships and the role of technology.

    UCF Global Events
  • IEP Help Sessions (Recurring Event)

    UCF Global: Computer Lab, Room 303

    Back by popular demand we have IEP Help Sessions available on Thursdays from 3:00PM to 5:00PM and Fridays from 12:30PM to 2:30PM in the UCF Global, Third Floor Computer Lab, Room 303.This is your one-stop-shop for English language guidance and assistance. Whether you have questions on an assignment, or just want to meet with a peer, advisor, or instructor, we …

    UCF Global Events