Wednesday, April 10, 2019

  • FREE Rapid HIV Testing Event (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: 111 (WHPS Classroom)

    FREE Rapid HIV Testing Event Do you know your status? Stop by Wellness and Health Promotion Services during our Free Rapid HIV Testing event from 10am-2pm to get tested. No appointments necessary – walk-ins welcome. Take charge of your sexual wellness by taking an HIV test and get your results in 15 minutes. Be a Healthy Knight. WHPS is located …

  • Meet Jamie Schanbaum

    Student Union: Key West Ballroom (Room 218AB)

    Jamie is a Gold Medal winning U.S. para-athlete and a meningitis survivor. She survived meningitis when she was just 20 years old and attending college in Texas. Though her experience may not be the same as others’, she is passionate about educating teens, college students and young adults about meningitis and the importance of vaccination. Join us for a 1-hour …
