A strength training program led and designed by Certified Personal Trainers. Whether you’re new to lifting or looking to build confidence in the gym, this program is tailored to help you develop the strength, skills, and knowledge to lift with confidence. This is open to any students & members. Training occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays for six weeks.
SSWBLearn how to communicate your qualifications for an interview whether it be for a job, internship, research assistant, graduate school, or other position. Be prepared with your laptop, a mobile device, tell a friend to join the session and be ready to learn how to prepare for your next interview. Register on Handshake! You can get the for the zoom …
SSWBThe ACE Group Fitness course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on Group Fitness experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified Group Fitness Instructor or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $300.00, including the materials (textbook, online module …
SSWBThe ACE Personal Training course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on personal training experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified personal trainer or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $320.00, including the materials (textbook, online module access, …