The academic advisor will be available to answer general and academic questions. These hours will be held via ZOOM.Zoom Meeting link: ID: 937 9953 4417Encourage logging in at least 20 minutes prior to ending times. Make sure your display name is your full first and last name after logging into Zoom. --->Fill out survey after logging in, so we …
Communication Sciences and DisordersThe academic advisor will be available to answer general and academic questions. These hours will be held via ZOOM.Zoom Meeting link: ID: 937 9953 4417Encourage logging in at least 20 minutes prior to ending times. Make sure your display name is your full first and last name after logging into Zoom. --->Fill out survey after logging in, so we …
Communication Sciences and DisordersAn overview of the academic success tools available to undergraduate students in the College of Health Professions and Sciences. Learn how to use these tools in preparation for academic advising, course registration, and monitoring your degree progression. Register for the workshop at the link:
Communication Sciences and Disorders