Tuesday, December 01, 2020

  • Giving Tuesday at UCF


    You’ve probably heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and maybe even Small Business Saturday. Following the big shopping days, non-profits across the globe celebrate Giving Tuesday. On this day, they ask for their supporters to give back what they can to help sustain their good work.  On Tuesday, Dec. 1, UCF will celebrate Giving Tuesday with a special focus on …

    Events at UCF
  • Precedence Committee (Recurring Event)


    Keep track of Judicial record and implement templates for rationales. 

    Events at UCF
  • Explore food and wine of Piemonte, Italy (virtual)


    Andiamo in Italia! Join us as we explore the food and wine of Piemonte, Italy and the evolution of Italian American culture.   The UCF Italian Club sponsors guest speaker Roger Bissell, Founder of Unwined Live, Italian Master Sommelier, and even knighted in Italy (Cavalieri del Tartufo e dei Vini d'Alba). Register for this virtual event: https://fb.me/e/imj1igZ3N 

    Events at UCF
  • What to Expect from Congress Transitions, Change, and Bipartisan Cooperation


    Registration is required, please sign up at this link.Please submit questions to be answered prior to the event, here.This event will also be livestreamed on the UCF Global YouTube Channel. UCF Global Perspectives and International Initiatives in partnership with the US Association of Former Members of Congress, bring you Former Congressmen Bob Etheridge and John Mica. They will discuss the …

    Events at UCF
  • Take Charge Tuesday: Test Anxiety (Recurring Event)

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    Sometimes worrying and feeling tense can make exams difficult. Come to learn and apply strategies to manage anxiety in a healthy way and take steps to better show what you know on test day. CAPS workshops are free, require no sign-up and space is provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to currently enrolled students.

    Events at UCF
  • FAO Committee (Recurring Event)


    FAO, the Financial Allocations for Organizations Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The FAO committee allocates funds to Registered Student Organization's (RSOs) for Events, Projects, and Promotional Items. Funding level for each category can be found in the FAO Spending Policy (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uVPG0j8Kqoi3wWomhpF5KUrp7HnSnoN/view). RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. …

    Events at UCF
  • QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (Recurring Event)

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college and university students, but it is also one of the most preventable causes of death. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), guided by certified trainers, is a program designed for everyone to learn what can be done to prevent suicide. CAPS workshops are free, require no sign-up and space is provided on …

    Events at UCF
  • Summer Off-Campus Research Experiences (Recurring Event)


    Come explore opportunities to engage in research around the United States and the world. There are opportunities to engage in research at other universities and research institutions (e.g., the National Institute of Health). Previous UCF undergraduates have spent the summer all around the country including Harvard, Yale, Ohio State, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania. …

    Events at UCF
  • Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee


    The Information Technology Committee evaluates and recommends policy and procedures concerning information technology and resources. Zoom: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/97057714421?pwd=S3dWR3dXaTNuZG1qd2NpZ1gydGZNdz09

    Events at UCF
  • ORS Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Operations Review & Sanctions Committee (ORS) is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch that audits the funding that the Student Body Senate allocates to ensure that funds are being spent properly. ORS gives out sanctions to individuals or Registered Student Organizations ( RSOs) that are found in violation of misusing funds. The committee debates, amends, …

    Events at UCF
  • LJR Committee (Recurring Event)


    LJR, the Legislative, Judicial, and Rules Committee, is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The LJR Committee deals with the constant updates and review of the SG governing documents. LJR work allows for the smooth function of all Student Government and how we deal with each student and RSO. LJR Zoom Link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95503977023?pwd=Mi9pMnZrNlVSR3dUU2RQUmRLaldIQT09

    Events at UCF
  • LGBTQ+ Town Hall


    An opportunity for the UCF and Orlando area LGBTQ+ community to collaborate, connect, share ideas and highlight areas of improvement! Sponsored by SG Senate's LGBTQ+ Caucus. Zoom: https://ucf.zoom.us/w/91811400165?tk=1kCbRaVzu8ftGhOdoL7CocoVhAr1SQRDt_ARS2_IK9c.DQIAAAAVYGLJ5RZtUlluRlQwMlRCV2pyejZNMlBsMDNBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    Events at UCF