Tuesday, June 23, 2020

  • 2020 Physical Sciences Summer Institute


    Focusing on the theme “Science of the Unseen”, this virtual Summer Institute will expose rising 6th-8th graders to a range of scientific phenomena that require specialized experiments or analysis to uncover, including subatomic particles, earthquakes, and ecological changes. Scientific disciplines (physical, earth, and life), engineering, computer science, mathematics, and tech skills (coding and web design) come together as useful tools …

    Events at UCF
  • DHS is Hiring

    Virtual Event

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) is hosting a series of webinars to highlight careers across the Department. This webinar will provide you with information on the DHS’ mission, current job opportunities, and provide tips on federal resume writing. In addition, the webinar will include information on upcoming recruiting and outreach opportunities …

    Events at UCF
  • Become a Competitive Graduate School Applicant (Recurring Event)


    Interested in graduate school, but not sure how to start preparing? Academic Advancement Programs(AAP) gives an overview of the pieces of a competitive graduate school applicant. Usually, studentswith 0-60 credits gain the most from this workshop, as they learn how to build towards a competitiveapplication. Now you know that graduate school is for you, but what do those details look …

    Events at UCF
  • Executive MBA Online Info Session


    Designed for experienced professionals, the Executive MBA is a 19-month, weekend program starting Fall 2020. Join us to learn details about the EMBA at our next online information session. Our admissions staff will present details about the EMBA including curriculum, learning outcomes, international residency, cohort experience, schedule, admission requirements and application process. Participate in the live Q&A after the presentation. …

    Events at UCF
  • CAPS Affinity/Identity Discussion Groups (Recurring Event)


    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will be hosting different discussion groups via Zoom for UCF students interested in meeting with peers who are racially/ethnically and/or other social identities similar to provide a safe space for support and discussion regarding recent events, pandemic, etc. Students are asked to use this link to register for the groups that reflect their racial/ethnic identity …

    Events at UCF
  • DirectConnect to UCF® Online Information Session


    Join us online for an information session on DirectConnect to UCF and learn what guaranteed admission is all about. In this interactive information session, ask questions, and find out what you need to know to make your transition to UCF easy. Reserve Your SpotDirectConnect to UCF guarantees admission (consistent with university policy) to UCF with an associate degree (A.A.) or …

    Events at UCF