Monday, July 16, 2012

  • A Good Knight's Sleep

    Hercules 108: Programming Center

    Getting a good night's rest is hard in college. Come and learn in this interactive discussion how you can get a good knight's sleep.

    Events at UCF
  • Brother to Brother Info Session

    Lake Claire Community Office and Center

    Come and join us for the Brother to Brother Info Session and find out what this program has to offer you! The mission of the B2B program is to provide academic, career, and leadership assessment (development), social and financial support to undergraduate Multicultural First Generation male students at the University of Central Florida. See you there!

    Events at UCF
  • Academic in Pre-Professional Majors

    Hercules 108: Programming Center

    Wondering how to become competitive for med school, law school or another health-professional school? Join the OPPA staff to learn how our office can assist you in pursuing a Pre-Professional program.

    Events at UCF
  • Housing and Conduct: What Should I Know?

    Nike 101

    With newfound freedom comes great responsibility. Living on campus is a fun experience, but what can you do to ensure your on-campus stay doesn’t get cut short? This presentation will help educate you on the Rules of Conduct and how they can affect your housing agreement. Freshmen earn LINK points for attending.(Presented by the Office of Student Conduct)

    Events at UCF