Monday, September 10, 2012

  • Senate Information Session

    Student Union

    If you are interested in or intending to run for a Student Government Association Senate Seat then attend an information session today!

    Events at UCF
  • Cyber-Security in the Modern Era Workshop - Campus Safety Awareness Class - Sponsored by UCF Victim Services

    Student Union: Key West Ballroom (Room 218)

    Become more aware of cyber threats and ways to protect yourself on-line. This presentation will be conducted by Investigator Eric Walton, UCF Police Department.

    Events at UCF
  • CEO Knights Meeting - Entrepreneurship Club

    Business Administration I

    The purpose of the club is to foster interest in entrepreneurship, improve methods and techniques of business management, help students create their own entrepreneurial venture, encourage sound and honest business practices in the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities, and develop long lasting relationships among students, faculty and the business community.

    Events at UCF
  • Rotaract Club at UCF General Body Meeting

    Student Union

    If you are interested in getting involved and being a part of a great service organization then come out to Rotaract’s General Body Meeting. At this meeting we will discuss service projects, committees, intramurals, and other exciting opportunities. So feel free to join us at our upcoming meeting!

    Events at UCF
  • Law and Consequences Roundtable

    Nike 101

    Going to tailgate? Want to know the consequences of partying a little too hard? Come out before the first home football game of the season to get your questions answered. Student Legal Services, Student Conduct and the UCF Police Department will be there to teach you what can get you in trouble and what the legal and student conduct consequences …

    Events at UCF
  • Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society General Meeting

    Student Union

    Come out and learn about what being in an honor society really means! How can it benefit you? There will be free food and give a ways! Come meet fellow peers and leaders!

    Events at UCF
  • Music Expo

    Student Union

    Free Live Music! Experience ten performances in a variety of music genres: Rock, Hip-Hop/Reggae, Progressive, Electronic and Grunge. Come out and support UCF musicians! Presented by the Unsigned Club – Organizing and promoting live music performance events for aspiring UCF musicians. For additional information email: Unsigned

    Events at UCF