Tuesday, June 07, 2022

  • Intensive Reading Camp

    UCF Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic: 3280 Progress Drive Suite 500

    The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic at the University of Central Florida will host an Intensive Reading Camp with UCF literacy experts from June 6 to June 30. All materials are included. To sign up, email csdclinic@ucf.edu. This intensive reading intervention camp is for nonreaders or struggling readers entering the 3rd or 4th grade.The camp will be held …

    Events at UCF
  • 2022 Computer Science Summer Institute

    Engineering 2 Atrium

    The Summer Institute is an intensive three-week program (June 6-24) for students who have interest in learning the foundations of computer science and computer technology. The program offers a mix of activities designed to maximize learning through interactive, individualized instruction with outstanding instructors. It is also designed to expose students to broader topics in computer science through the distinguished lectures …

    Events at UCF
  • Pathways 2022: The Carlos Malamud Prize Exhibition

    UCF Art Gallery

    This exhibition is the result of a collaborative partnership between the UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida and the Rollins Museum of Art to celebrate and support emerging professional artists working in Florida. Juried by an external panel of three professionals from various areas of the art world, this year’s edition of the exhibition features six artists …

    Events at UCF
  • Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Class (Recurring Event)

    RWC Wet Classroom

    The RWC offers American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid Blended Learning classes. The Blended Learning class includes an online portion (approx. 2-3 hours long) and an instructor-led class skills session (approx. 1 hour long). The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class skills session. To register for this class please call 407-823-2408, or walk in to the RWC administrative office between 8 …

    Events at UCF
  • LinkedIn Made Easy - Webinar


    Attend this workshop to learn how you can leverage your profile to promote your brand and connect with professionals in your network. Follow along to update your profile and experiment with LinkedIn resources! This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success professional development program for graduate students. See https://graduate.ucf.edu/pathways-to-success for details.

    Events at UCF
  • Summer 2022 GKT Math Study Group (Recurring Event)


    These sessions allow students to work on the GKT in small groups or independently with the aid of a tutor.  Bring your own study material(s) with specific questions or work with others on the test example provided by the FTCE website.

    Events at UCF
  • Student Green Dot Training


    Green Dot is a bystander intervention training program that aims to reduce power based personal violence on campus by training students, faculty, and staff how to become active bystanders. Green Dot uses the concept of displacing Red Dots (potential/real acts of violence) with Green Dots (actions taken to eliminate/ prevent Red Dots). Actions could be reactive or proactive. Green Dot Bystander …

    Events at UCF
  • Virtual Artist Panel with Ivan Riascos, Channing Gray, and Aimee Jones


    This virtual artist panel is the result of a collaborative partnership between the UCF Art Gallery at the University of Central Florida and the Rollins Museum of Art to celebrate and support emerging professional artists working in Florida. Juried by an external panel of three professionals from various areas of the art world, this year’s edition of Pathways 2022: The …

    Events at UCF