Tuesday, February 09, 2016

  • Build Winning Resumes (Recurring Event)

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 115

    Employers will spend less than 30 seconds when first reviewing your resume. Learn to design a resume that gets the recruiter’s attention and targets the job you want.

  • You, Me & Sexual Wellness: Everything Under The Covers

    The HUB (1st floor of Student Union)

    Let's talk about sex...BABY! This presentation will talk about your sexual health and wellness including resources available in being a sexually healthy Knight. This presentation will take place in The Hub, Student Union first floor.

  • Salary Negotiation (Recurring Event)

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 115

    What is an appropriate salary? Learn to evaluate the worth of the whole benefits package. Know what’s important to you, research the market, and have realistic expectations before you begin salary discussions. Please RSVP via KnightLink for April 19th session.

  • Capgemeni Information Session

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 121

    Don't miss this information session to learn more about Capgemeni and the opportunities they offer!

  • All Presidents Meeting


    Mandatory event.
