Tuesday, July 14, 2020

  • Well-Being Facebook Group


    A Facebook Group geared towards building healthy habits and showcasing well-being services at UCF. Register here: bit.ly/2Z6vieT

  • Virtual Professional Etiquette Series: Acing the Virtual Interview


    The impact of COVID-19 on your job search has created some unique challenges and significant changes to how you network and communicate with employers. We have pulled together a series of workshops to help you navigate the job search process with more confidence and success. Acing the Virtual Interview: 07.14.2020 @ 11:00am | Employers are currently relying heavily on technology …

  • Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes (Recurring Event)


    Freshman, how do you craft a winning resume as you begin your academic career? This webinar for freshman students highlights how to incorporate and plan for collegiate co-curricular experiences on a resume. This session is not available for GEB points. SLS Students: You must refer to your Resume Writing Worksheet for your SLS assignment. Join Zoom Meeting https://ucf.zoom.us/j/91521184443?pwd=YVR0T0dlR2JqUW84c2FzVEludjJPUT09 Meeting ID: …
