Monday, November 19, 2018

  • Mindfulness Mondays - CAPS Wellness Workshops (Recurring Event)

    Counseling and Psychological Services: Group room

    Looking for a more peaceful approach to your week? Come experience a new way of being and learn mindfulness skills! Part of a weekly workshop series. CAPS workshops are free, require no sign-up, and space is provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to currently enrolled students.

    College of Health Professions and Sciences
  • How to: Get Started in Undergraduate Research (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall: 201

    Are you interested in learning more about research? Not sure where to start or how to navigate all the programs available? This workshop will discuss how to expand your academic experience through undergraduate research. No RSVP required. All workshops are first come, first serve unless otherwise noted. Questions? Feel free to contact the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR@ All …

    College of Health Professions and Sciences