Tuesday, October 09, 2018

  • Taste of Hospitality

    Rosen Courtyard (Rosen Campus)

    Latin American themed food tasting event held at the Rosen Campus. October 9, 2018 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Rosen Courtyard Hosted by: Multicultural Student Center Contact: Pryia Lalchan, pryia.lalchan@ucf.edu, (407) 823-0401

    Events at UCF
  • October General Body Meeting

    Student Union: 221

    It's time for PeruSA's second general body meeting of the Fall semester! Who's excited?!Make sure to join us as we welcome a special guest speaker, who'll be sharing his story as a Peruvian growing up in the U.S.! And of course, what's a meeting without some Inca Cola?We will also be giving updates about upcoming events, sharing some pictures of …

    Events at UCF