College of Sciences Distinguished Speaker Series Michael Callaghan, Ph.D. Assistant ProfessorUCF Department of Anthropology Brigitte Kovacevich, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorUCF Department of Anthropology Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.Tuscawilla Country Club1500 Winter Springs Blvd.,Winter Springs, FL 32708 The Naked and the Dead: Ritual & Sacrifice at the Dawn of Maya Civilization Abstract: Artifacts, hieroglyphs, architecture and art have allowed archaeologists to …
Events at UCFThis session provides an opportunity to interact, ask questions and receive information from Alumni that can lead to success in college and beyond. We will have panelists from Advent Health, Orange County Government, ProNet Group, Inc, De La Torre Law Firm and NASA.
Events at UCFThis admissions event will present details for the UCF Part-Time Professional MBA starting at the UCF Sanford/Lake Mary campus in fall 2019. Details include curriculum, schedule, learning outcomes, cohort experience, admission requirements and application process. RSVP to
Events at UCFIf you are interested in FIEA, we are interested in hearing from you, at our admission chat on March 27. Faculty, staff and students of the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA), UCF’s graduate video-game development program, will tell you how you can earn an accredited master’s degree that can help you become a successful video-game producer, artist or programmer. Students …
Events at UCF