Tuesday, September 22, 2020

  • Spectral Evidence Exhibit

    Lake County Museum of Art

    The spectral evidence exhibit is the result of a collaboration with the UCF Center for Autism and Related Disabilities and the Lake County Museum of Art. This exhibit demonstrates expressions by artists on the autism spectrum, who see life from a different perspective. With their liberating take on themes, materials, detail and density, their work actively points to the genius …

    Events at UCF
  • LEGACY Leadership and Mentoring Program - Call for Applications


    Welcome back to the Fall 2020 Semester. This is a call for application to be part of the 2020 - 2021 LEGACY Leadership and Mentoring Program managed by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) University of Central Florida. Our theme for this new year is "VISION 2020 - RULE YOUR WORLD!" This program is designed to assist minority students …

    Events at UCF
  • National Hazing Prevention Week 2020


    National Hazing Prevention and Awareness Week takes place during the third week of September. UCF sponsors various events, workshops and educational sessions to help students understand the impact of hazing, including the short- and long-term consequences associated with participation in these activities. All events this year will be virtual. The week includes a discussion sponsored by HazingPrevention.org featuring parents who …

    Events at UCF
  • Garage B Bootcamp (Recurring Event)

    Garage B: Second Floor closest to RWC

    Participants who reserve a spot online can do so 24 hours before the start of any class and must arrive 15 minutes early to secure their space in the class. Walk-ins are not permitted for Fall 2020. Participants are not allowed to join a class that has been going on for more than five minutes.

    Events at UCF
  • Precedence Committee (Recurring Event)


    Keep track of Judicial record and implement templates for rationales. 

    Events at UCF
  • Illuminating the Darkness: Our Carceral Landscape (Recurring Event)

    UCF Art Gallery

    Although there are over 2.3 million people currently incarcerated in the United States, the prison system remains largely invisible to the majority of Americans. Prisons tend to be built in rural areas, out-of-view and away from the daily lives of many. The physical and psychological marginalization and minoritization of system-impacted people allows us to ignore mass incarceration, even though it …

    Events at UCF
  • UCF Social Work MSW Virtual Open House - Orlando/Campus Tracks


    Join faculty and staff from the School of Social Work to learn more about the UCF's Social Work MSW program based in Orlando, Florida. Register at: https://applynow.graduate.ucf.edu/register/msw922

    Events at UCF
  • Intellectual Property Rights - ELECTIVE (Recurring Event)


    This workshop addresses the various conflicts of interest encountered by faculty during their academic and research tenure. The session will address conflicts of interest between faculty and students, financial conflicts of interests related to sponsored research and conflicts of commitments related to faculty members institutional assignments and their private business or consulting activity. The objective of the session is to …

    Events at UCF
  • Achieve Your Goals


    As a graduate student you likely have personal and academic related goals that you want to achieve. In this presentation, you will learn strategies for setting goals and ways of staying motivated to accomplish your goals. Students must register for this workshop through their myUCF Student Center under Graduate Students then Pathways to Success. Students will receive a link to …

    Events at UCF
  • Take Charge Tuesday: Stress Management (Recurring Event)

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    Description to be provided.

    Events at UCF
  • Crash Course of Climb (Recurring Event)


    Join the Climbing Tower staff to talk all things rock climbing. Each Tuesday, we will share information, teach you something new, and keep our climbing community going. We know that times are hard, but we don't want to let you go too long between tower chats. Join us via Zoom using this link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/99154053906

    Events at UCF
  • FAO Committee (Recurring Event)


    FAO, the Financial Allocations for Organizations Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The FAO committee allocates funds to Registered Student Organization's (RSOs) for Events, Projects, and Promotional Items. Funding level for each category can be found in the FAO Spending Policy (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uVPG0j8Kqoi3wWomhpF5KUrp7HnSnoN/view). RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. …

    Events at UCF
  • Violence Prevention Certificate Series: Single, Taken, Confused (Recurring Event)


    Single, taken, confused, is a part of the Let's be Clear Violence Prevention Certificate Series. During this Zoom session, students will learn about healthy vs unhealthy relationships, ways to navigate relationships, and support and resources options available. To receive the Zoom link, email letsbeclear@ucf.edu. Complete all 4 Violence Prevention Certificate Series sessions and attend a Green Dot Bystander Intervention training …

    Events at UCF
  • ORS Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Operations Review & Sanctions Committee (ORS) is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch that audits the funding that the Student Body Senate allocates to ensure that funds are being spent properly. ORS gives out sanctions to individuals or Registered Student Organizations ( RSOs) that are found in violation of misusing funds. The committee debates, amends, …

    Events at UCF
  • Koru Class (Recurring Event)


    Koru is a mindfulness class designed specifically for young adults teaching meditation as well as stress management skills. The class meets for 90 minutes once a week for four weeks over Zoom. The class size is limited to 12 students and includes access to the required book, “The Mindful Twenty-Something” and the Koru meditation app. Tuesday, 9/1 – 9/22 from …

    Events at UCF
  • LJR Committee (Recurring Event)


    LJR, the Legislative, Judicial, and Rules Committee, is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The LJR Committee deals with the constant updates and review of the SG governing documents. LJR work allows for the smooth function of all Student Government and how we deal with each student and RSO. LJR Zoom Link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95503977023?pwd=Mi9pMnZrNlVSR3dUU2RQUmRLaldIQT09

    Events at UCF
  • HIIT in the Park (Recurring Event)

    RWC Park: Softball Outfield

    Participants who reserve a spot online can do so 24 hours before the start of any class and must arrive 15 minutes early to secure their space in the class. Walk-ins are not permitted for Fall 2020. Participants are not allowed to join a class that has been going on for more than five minutes.

    Events at UCF
  • Mythbusters: Health in Latinx Communities


    Join MSC as we kick off our new monthly Mythbusters series. Every month we will be busting different myths as each of our talented board members take the stage to teach on a special topic. Our first installation, in the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month, will be exploring healthcare accessibility in Latinx communities. Connect with us as we take you …

    Events at UCF
  • Life After Graduation: Tips for Tackling Grad School


    Are you considering graduate school? The College of Sciences alumni board invites you to attend the first of three virtual alumni panels: Tips for Tackling Grad School. Click here for more information and to RSVP Hear from alumni who were in your shoes before deciding to pursue a graduate degree right away or to get work experience first. Learn about …

    Events at UCF
  • Bootcamp @ RWC Downtown (Recurring Event)

    Downtown Campus

    Join us for an outdoor bootcamp class. It will be hosted in the grassy area between DPAC and CMB. Don't forget to bring water and a mat.

    Events at UCF