Tuesday, September 29, 2020

  • LJR Committee (Recurring Event)


    LJR, the Legislative, Judicial, and Rules Committee, is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The LJR Committee deals with the constant updates and review of the SG governing documents. LJR work allows for the smooth function of all Student Government and how we deal with each student and RSO. LJR Zoom Link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95503977023?pwd=Mi9pMnZrNlVSR3dUU2RQUmRLaldIQT09

    Events at UCF
  • Environmental Planning for Success


    How to Create a Positive, Motivational, and Inspirational Space to Achieve Your Goals Developing a routine and being consistent are necessary components for achieving one’s goals. The atmosphere in which you learn, and study, should to reflect these components. Learn how to create a space which will assist in limiting distractions and prevent procrastination. September 29 via Zoom: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98926755924 (Meeting …

    Events at UCF
  • HIIT in the Park (Recurring Event)

    RWC Park: Softball Outfield

    Participants who reserve a spot online can do so 24 hours before the start of any class and must arrive 15 minutes early to secure their space in the class. Walk-ins are not permitted for Fall 2020. Participants are not allowed to join a class that has been going on for more than five minutes.

    Events at UCF
  • Bootcamp @ RWC Downtown (Recurring Event)

    Downtown Campus

    Join us for an outdoor bootcamp class. It will be hosted in the grassy area between DPAC and CMB. Don't forget to bring water and a mat.

    Events at UCF