Sunday, January 27, 2013

  • Othello - Shakespeare’s Emotionally Gripping Thriller of Jealousy, Passion, and Revenge

    Orlando Shakespeare Theater

    $12 student tickets half hour before the show/ $10 off all advanced tickets – Othello, a celebrated general, yet an outsider, defies social convention and marries Desdemona, a Venetian aristocrat. Enter Othello’s most trusted lieutenant, the “honest” Iago, who nurses a vengeful hate for his commander. As Iago draws Othello and the audience into a spider web of half-truths, scandal …

    Events at UCF
  • Theatre UCF presents "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" (Recurring Event)


    This dark comedy about pre-Revolution French aristocracy is filled with deceit, seduction, and cutting wit. In 1782 Pierre Choderlos de Laclos published "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," a novel about sexual depravity among the French aristocracy. The story has been adapted for screen and stage by Christopher Hampton. The story chronicles the efforts of two characters, Vicomte de Valmont and his former …

    Events at UCF
  • VUCF Presents: "Sunday Night College Foodshare"

    Lake Claire Recreational Area

    Every Sunday night college students lead a feeding in downtown Orlando! This will be a great opportunity to interact with the homeless and help feed hungry people. If you are interested we will meet to carpool at the Lake Claire Rec area at 4pm. Please respond to Todd if you are interested.

    Events at UCF