This 12 week half marathon running program will prepare participants for the OUC Half Marathon in December. The training group meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7am outside the RWC. No previous half marathon experience is required, however previous fitness experience is recommended. Our pacers will be running under a 15 minute mile to comply with OUC's race pace requirement. …
Events at UCFDuring this exciting trip with Outdoor Adventure, you will be able to have a relaxing day at Ormond Beach and contribute to an international clean-up effort that supports our oceans and helps keep them clean!
Events at UCFYou might find them in front of the classroom or in the office down the hall and yet never suspect they make art. They are “Hidden Artists”. Hidden Artists is a group of UCF faculty and staff from various departments who create art on their own time. Now on its 11th year, the Hidden Artists Exhibit will once again be …
Events at UCFPlease register prior to September 7th in the Admisistration Office.
Events at UCFThe Central Florida Math Circle is an effort of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Central Florida to offer the middle/high school students of the Central Florida region an opportunity to have fun with mathematics. The Math Circle is not directed towards a particular curriculum; it is not a class, a lecture or a tutorial. It is a …
Events at UCF