Out of health and safety concerns for our students, faculty and patrons, Theatre UCF has made the necessary decision to present several free virtual readings that will take place throughout the fall semester. More information on performances this spring will be announced soon. Two artists with their partners find their lives unexpectedly intertwined with the life of a Black queer …
Events at UCFWhether you're new to running, or you want to improve on your speed, join us for 5k Training this Fall at the RWC. We will be meeting every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. for 6 weeks at RWC Main Campus and RWC Downtown. Participants must register online at ucfrwc.org.
Events at UCFHealing Art Exhibition 2021Call for EntriesTheme: The Art of Being Visible: Expressions of Social JusticeEnter by: Friday, Nov. 6 (11:59 pm EST) Submit work here: https://caps.sdes.ucf.edu/art/apply/ The 7th annual juried 2-D art exhibition will showcase artwork by UCF students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Selected artwork will be on display in UCF Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) from January to November …
Events at UCFKeep track of Judicial record and implement templates for rationales.
Events at UCFThe UCF Art Gallery is proud to present a dynamic exhibition of artworks by the faculty of the UCF School of Visual Arts and Design. These professional artists have received both national and international recognition for their engaging and thought-provoking works. The exhibition showcases a wide range of traditional and contemporary media and processes including ceramics, drawing, digital art, mixed media, …
Events at UCFJoin online: https://ucf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0odeuhpj4iHN2WmALsIoHR610PpkF4K5aq
Events at UCFSometimes the idea of meeting new people or being in crowds can be difficult. Come learn and apply strategies to manage anxiety in a healthy way and take steps to being more engaged. CAPS workshops are free, require no sign-up, and space is provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to currently enrolled students.
Events at UCFDescription to be provided.
Events at UCFJoin Phil Peters and Lisa Mills from UCF's Nicholson School of Communication and Media to learn more about the Master of Fine Arts Program in Feature Film Production. Register at: https://applynow.graduate.ucf.edu/register/film1027
Events at UCFJoin the Climbing Tower staff to talk all things rock climbing. Each Tuesday, we will share information, teach you something new, and keep our climbing community going. We know that times are hard, but we don't want to let you go too long between tower chats. Join us via Zoom using this link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/99154053906
Events at UCFFAO, the Financial Allocations for Organizations Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The FAO committee allocates funds to Registered Student Organization's (RSOs) for Events, Projects, and Promotional Items. Funding level for each category can be found in the FAO Spending Policy (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uVPG0j8Kqoi3wWomhpF5KUrp7HnSnoN/view). RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. …
Events at UCFJoin the UCF College of Nursing for its 10th annual Orlando Health Nursing Lecture during the Year of the Nurse. Thriving Versus Surviving: Building Resilience in Turbulent Times Stressed during uncertain times? If you, your staff or your colleagues are feeling particularly spent, it is probably because the level of emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers was already at an all-time-high …
Events at UCFThe Operations Review & Sanctions Committee (ORS) is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch that audits the funding that the Student Body Senate allocates to ensure that funds are being spent properly. ORS gives out sanctions to individuals or Registered Student Organizations ( RSOs) that are found in violation of misusing funds. The committee debates, amends, …
Events at UCFCareer Services is partnering with SGA to host the "Sustainability Stars" panel. The panel will give students a chance to learn about work in sustainability fields and will give them a better understanding of how to find "green jobs." Panelists will represent the City of Orlando, EXP and more. Students should RSVP to attend in Handshake.
Events at UCFPlanning a research poster? Learn the basics of poster design and tips on editing free PowerPoint templates. This session covers guidelines about poster elements, layout, graphics and printing, and includes examples of well-designed posters. Students must register for this workshop through their myUCF Student Center under Graduate Students then Pathways to Success. Students will receive a link to participate online …
Events at UCFThe Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center invites all current UCF students to participate in our Virtual Exploration Workshop Series session titled, What Does a 'W' Really Mean. In this virtual workshop session, Advisors will guide students through the components of withdrawing from a class and the implications of a 'W' grade on your academic journey and offer major exploration …
Events at UCFGet hands on experience in the kitchen and learn how to make delicious, healthy food! Virtual Classes allow you to make delicious dishes step by step with us in your own home. RSVP required. Please RSVP to megan.case@ucf.edu To veiw the class go to: https://www.facebook.com/HealthyKnight/
Events at UCFLJR, the Legislative, Judicial, and Rules Committee, is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The LJR Committee deals with the constant updates and review of the SG governing documents. LJR work allows for the smooth function of all Student Government and how we deal with each student and RSO. LJR Zoom Link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95503977023?pwd=Mi9pMnZrNlVSR3dUU2RQUmRLaldIQT09
Events at UCF