Learn how to communicate your qualifications for an interview whether it be for a job, internship, research assistant, graduate school, or other position. Be prepared with your laptop, a mobile device, tell a friend to join the session and be ready to learn how to prepare for your next interview. Register on Handshake! You can get the for the zoom …
Events at UCFThe ACE Group Fitness course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on Group Fitness experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified Group Fitness Instructor or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $300.00, including the materials (textbook, online module …
Events at UCFThe ACE Personal Training course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on personal training experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified personal trainer or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $320.00, including the materials (textbook, online module access, …
Events at UCFThis group meets every Wednesday. May meet outdoors during building closures for holidays. NA is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other live drug-free. There are no dues or fees, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Our fellowship focuses primarily …
Events at UCF