TRiO Center: by Category “Speaker/Lecture/Seminar”

  • Capability Statement Boot Camp


    Capability Statement Boot Camp powered by the APEX Accelerator at UCF A capability statement is a popular piece of marketing collateral in government contracting. It a one-page summary of the business much like a ‘company resume’ and can be a great tool to introduce your business. A capability statement will not be the only piece of marketing collateral that you …

    TRiO Center
  • Indian Migration to the United States & Development in India

    Teaching Academy 117: Teaching Academy 117

    Indians constitute the largest number of international migrants in the world. This seminar with Devesh Kapur, Ph.D., Starr Foundation Professor of South Asian Studies at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and author of Diaspora, Development, and Democracy: The Domestic Impact of International Migration from India, will examine the post-1965 migration of Indian migrants to the United …

    TRiO Center
  • The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned

    UCF Global: 101

    Join us as we discuss the evolving role of foreign aid - specifically its use as a tool in conflict and crisis management. What is the role of U.S. soft power on conflict resolution and regional stability and development? What are the successes and failures of post-aid intervention strategies and the role of local actors (Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, or others)? …

    TRiO Center
  • CHDR Presents: Ursula Lehmkuhl

    Center for Humanities and Digital Research: TCH 325

    Ursula Lehmkuhl, Professor of International History at the University of Trier, will deliver her talk “Navigating Standardized Names and Vocabularies in Digital Archives:  A Decolonizing Approach."

    TRiO Center
  • "Navigating A Successful Social Work Career" webinar


    Please join us for a 1-hour webinar focused on "Navigating A Successful Social Work Career". Visit the registration page for more event details!

    TRiO Center
  • UCF SIAM Graduate Student Seminar (Recurring Event)

    MSB 318: 318

    Host: UCF SIAM Graduate Student ChapterWhat: Weekly Seminar on Topics in Math or Applied MathWhen: 11am - 12pm WednesdaysWhere: MSB 318 Speakers vary by week

    TRiO Center
  • Securing the Future: Connecting Students with Security Experts

    Convergint 41 Skyline Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746

    Join us as we showcase a panel of distinguished speakers from the private sector, sharing insights on crime prevention and investigation. Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage in interactive demonstrations of cutting-edge technologies used to combat crime.

    TRiO Center
  • Business Plan Writing Made Easier


    Virtual Webinar Your business needs a roadmap for every stage of its growth. We’ll remove the mystery of how to create a business plan, the information that should be included, and how to use it as a tool to keep your company on track for long term growth.

    TRiO Center
  • 2025 Pauley Lecture on Global Affairs

    Teaching Academy 117: Teaching Academy 117

    Join the UCF Department of History for the 2025 Pauley Lecture on Global Affairs with Keynote Speaker Serhii Plokhii, Mykhailo S. Hrushevs'kyi Professor of Ukrainian History and Director, Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard. He will be delivering a lecture entitled "The Russo-Ukrainian War through the Eyes of a Historian."  Reception: 5:00pm | Lecture begins at 6:00pm UCF Main Campus, Teaching …

    TRiO Center
  • BCM Worship Knight (Recurring Event)

    Student Union Cape Florida AB

    Join us for a night full of fellowship, free food, and wonderful worship. Doors open at 7:00 pm for games and fellowship. Worship begins at 7:30 pm. Bring a friend! See you there.   For more information, follow us on our social media! ucfbcm | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    TRiO Center
  • UCF SIAM Graduate Student Seminar (Recurring Event)

    MSB 318: 318

    Host: UCF SIAM Graduate Student ChapterWhat: Weekly Seminar on Topics in Math or Applied MathWhen: 11am - 12pm WednesdaysWhere: MSB 318 Speakers vary by week

    TRiO Center
  • Spanish MA Spring 2025 Invited Speaker Series: “Dispositivos de incertidumbre: la literatura de Javier Cercas”

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 358B and Virtual

    You're invited!  TCH 358B or Zoom  Speaker:  Dr. Francisco Javier Sánchez Professor of Spanish, Stockton University With the support of the UCF Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies program.

    TRiO Center
  • UCF - Legal Studies Law Day - Sixth District Court of Appeal Visit and OCBA - Young Lawyers Section Networking Event

    Downtown Campus: DPAC 106A

    9:00 AM:  Sixth District Court of Appeals Campus Visit.  Join the UCF - Department of Legal Studies as we host the 6th District Court of Appeals on our UCF-Downtown campus. Attendees have the opportunity to observe oral arguments in two pending appeals. Attendees should plan to arrive by 8:30 AM to allow time for security screening. Backpacks or large bags …

    TRiO Center
  • 2025 FSI Seminar Series-March: The importance of integrating modern computing to Space

    Florida Space Institute: 000 and Virtual

    Join us for FSI Seminar Series-March Distinguished Guest Speaker: Rick Ward from Orbits Edge Topic: The Importance of Integrating Modern Computing to Space Location: Florida Space Institute, 12354 Research Parkway, Room #209 Time: 10:30 am-Noon

    TRiO Center
  • UCF SIAM Graduate Student Seminar (Recurring Event)

    MSB 318: 318

    Host: UCF SIAM Graduate Student ChapterWhat: Weekly Seminar on Topics in Math or Applied MathWhen: 11am - 12pm WednesdaysWhere: MSB 318 Speakers vary by week

    TRiO Center
  • SBA Workshop: Insight into the Federal Market Research Process

    National Entrepreneur Center: Venture Training Room

    Live Workshop: Market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information about a market to inform procurement decisions. It's a crucial step in ensuring the government gets the best value for its money. In collaboration with the APEX Accelerator specialists, we plan to address how AI not only speeds up the process but also enhances the quality and relevance of …

    TRiO Center
  • CCIE Distinguished Lecture Series - Dr. Gary King

    Morgridge International Reading Center: MIRC

    The College of Community Innovation and Education invites you to join us for the CCIE Distinguished Lecture Series. Welcoming nationally and internationally prominent researchers to UCF, this recurring series is open to the public, faculty, staff, and students, providing education and information on the world's most pressing research topics. All our invited to listen, learn, and foster new, collaborative relationships focused on …

    TRiO Center
  • CCIE Distinguished Lecture Series (Recurring Event)

    Morgridge International Reading Center

    The College of Community Innovation and Education invites you to join us for the CCIE Distinguished Lecture Series. Welcoming nationally and internationally prominent researchers to UCF, this recurring series is open to the public, faculty, staff, and students, providing education and information on the world's most pressing research topics. All our invited to listen, learn, and foster new, collaborative relationships …

    TRiO Center
  • CHDR Presents: Emily Johnson

    Center for Humanities and Digital Research: TCH 325

    Dr. Emily Johnson, Assistant Professor of English and core faculty in the Texts and Technology program, will present, “Play, make, and learn: Interdisciplinary Research in the Digital Humanities.” She will share early insights from her Department of Education grant that explores language learning through VR and computer games. Her talk will also discuss her forthcoming book, Critical Making in the …

    TRiO Center
  • Enhancing ELA Instruction with AI: Disciplinary Literacy Strategies for Deeper Learning


    This session explores how AI can be integrated into the English Language Arts (ELA) classroom using disciplinary literacy methods to enhance critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. Participants will learn how AI tools support students in analyzing complex texts, developing arguments, and engaging in meaningful discussions across literary and informational genres. The presentation will provide practical strategies for using AI …

    TRiO Center
  • CREOL Spring Colloquium: David Miller, Stanford University

    CREOL : 103 and Virtual

     Title: Optics à la mode – a new way of making, using and understanding optics      Abstract: Modern micro and nano fabrication now let us make complex and highly functional optics. Examples include sophisticated metasurfaces and highly programmable and even self-configuring silicon photonic interferometer meshes, with many potential applications in areas such as imaging, sensing and communications. Such systems are, however, …

    TRiO Center
  • Experience Ubuntu: A Talk with Kevin Chaplin

    Wesley at UCF: (Previously Limbitless Solutions

    “People are people through other people.”“I am human because I belong to the human community and I view and treat others accordingly.” Join Kevin Chaplin, CEO of the Amy Foundation and the SA Ubuntu Foundation, for an inspiring conversation on Ubuntu—the powerful belief that we thrive together, not alone. Kevin’s journey proves that forgiveness, community, and second chances can transform lives. Learn …

    TRiO Center
  • UCF SIAM Graduate Student Seminar (Recurring Event)

    MSB 318: 318

    Host: UCF SIAM Graduate Student ChapterWhat: Weekly Seminar on Topics in Math or Applied MathWhen: 11am - 12pm WednesdaysWhere: MSB 318 Speakers vary by week

    TRiO Center
  • CCIE Virtual Research Circle (Recurring Event)


    The CCIE virtual bi-weekly research circles includes presentations and conversations from UCF’s College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) faculty, as well as faculty from other colleges at UCF with a focus on collaborative, innovative, interdisciplinary, community-based research initiatives. Presentations provide opportunities to connect with faculty in CCIE and share opportunities of mutual interest. Presenters from the community and government …

    TRiO Center
  • Distinguished Lecture: US-India Technology Opportunities

    Morgridge International Reading Center

    The India Center at UCF presents its inaugural Distinguished Lecture, featuring Vivek Lall, Ph.D., Chief Executive of General Atomics Global Corporation. Dr. Vivek Lall will explore the dynamic partnership between two global powerhouses in science and technology — the United States and India, providing a unique vantage point as he combines his experience as a STEM researcher, a business entrepreneur, and leader of …

    TRiO Center