Monday, January 25, 2021

  • Yoga on the Terrace (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: Patio

    Join us on the RWC Terrace for an all-levels yoga practice. No experience needed. Please bring a mat or towel, and water. A reservation for this class is required. Our reservation system opens 24 hours in advance. Please bring your UCF ID with you to the facility. A facility-reservation is NOT required for this class. Please sign-up online at …

  • Dreamer's at UCF - #Heretostay (Recurring Event)


    General Body Meeting Dreamers at UCF seeks to create a welcoming atmosphere to share their ideas for diversity and inclusion. Dreamers at UCF serve the undocumented students of the University of Central Florida by providing support, knowledge, and resources that increase the value of their college experience. Furthermore, Dreamers at UCF will focus on academic excellence and community engagement while …