Wednesday, November 20, 2024

  • Study Knight (Recurring Event)

    Cultural Center: STUN 214

    The Cultural Center and the Ginsburg Lounge will be open after hours from 5 pm to 9 pm for students who need a space to study for finals. We will be supplying free coffee and pizza for those who attend. Location: The Cultural Center (Student Union Suite 215) and The Ginsburg Lounge (Student Union Suite 207, back right of OSI …

    Civil Discourse and Engagement
  • Study Knight (Recurring Event)

    Ginsburg Lounge: STUN 207

    The Cultural Center and the Ginsburg Lounge will be open after hours from 5 pm to 9 pm for students who need a space to study for finals. We will be supplying free coffee and pizza for those who attend. Location: The Cultural Center (Student Union Suite 215) and The Ginsburg Lounge (Student Union Suite 207, back right of OSI …

    Civil Discourse and Engagement
  • Trans Day of Rememberance

    Student Union Atrium

    Recognize the trans lives lost at this yearly somber event.

    Civil Discourse and Engagement