Events coordinated by the College of Graduate Studies
Attend this workshop to learn how you can leverage your profile to promote your brand and connect with professionals in your network. Follow along to update your profile and experiment with LinkedIn resources! This workshop session is being offered online. Click on the registration link to attend. This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success …
College of Graduate Studies EventsAnnouncing the Final Examination of Fatima Afifah for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Smart mobility, enabled by advanced sensing, communication, vehicle, and emerging mobility technologies, has transformed transportation systems. Real-time information shared by public and private entities plays a pivotal role in smart mobility, which facilitates informed decision-making, including effective mode choice, dynamic vehicle control, optimized travel routing, and …
College of Graduate Studies EventsEthics: Personal Integrity as a Graduate Student – CORE Dr. Jonathan BeeverIn this workshop students will think with Dr. Beever about the concept of integrity. What’s the relationship between research integrity, academic integrity, and personal integrity? How does integrity shape our institution and your lives as graduate students? Through a series of cases studies and conceptual analyses, we’ll propose answers …
College of Graduate Studies Events