Events for Transfer Student Success

Thursday, February 13, 2020

  • Open House for UCF and Valencia East Students!

    UCF Valencia Center Building 1: Room 265E

    Transferring to UCF or are you already a UCF Student?If yes, come to our Valentine's open house! Meet Success Coaches, find valuable resources, ask any questions you may have, and enjoy some Valentine's Day treats!

    UCF Connect
  • Open House for UCF and Valencia Osceola Students!

    UCF Valencia Osceola Building 4: Room 251

    Transferring to UCF or are already a UCF student? If yes, come to our Valentine's open house! Meet success coaches, find valuable resources, ask any questions you may have, and enjoy some Valentine's treats! RSVP at: For more information, please contact our UCF Valencia Osceola DirectConnect to UCF Team at

    UCF Connect
  • Open House for students: Valentine's Theme

    UCF Valencia West Building 11: Room 104

    Key to creating an inclusive environment for all is the language we use. Is it respectful? Is it thoughtful? Does it help to create a safe space where individuals may share their views and perspectives with honesty and genuineness? Join us as we explore suggested ways to communicate that open the door to more inclusive spaces. This workshop is open …

    UCF Connect