Tuesday, January 31, 2012

  • Floor Hockey Sign-up Deadline - IM Sports

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Playing Dates: 2/17 - 4/19

  • Softball Captain's Meeting - IM Sports

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    For all team league sports, the team captain must attend the captains meeting for that sport to confirm their team’s entry into the league. Teams will choose which day they will play based on the order that they signed up by division prior to the deadline. Teams may submit requests for game time preferences at the captain’s meeting, however all …

  • Softball Rules Clinic - IM Sports

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    No description provided.

  • Floor Hockey Free Agent Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Has the season already started for the sport you are interested in? Were you not contacted by any teams? Attend our meetings that take place near each major league sport's sign-up deadline. If you do not attend a free agent meeting, we cannot guarantee you a spot on a team. We will do our best to assist you!
