Sunday, January 25, 2015

  • Biggest Winner Program

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Try out week: January 20-January 23, 2015 Program: January 26-April 17, 2015 TheBiggest Winner challenge is a 12 week program designed to help participantsimprove exercise and nutrition habits. Participants will go through a one weektry out prior to the start of the program. Selected participants will beinvited to join one of two teams. Both teams will receive assistance andguidance from …

  • Triathlon Training Program

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Starts Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. Runs for 12 weeks.Program meets Tuesdays & Fridays at 7:00amSign up at http:// by Jan. 14thParticipants will be guided through a training program that prepares them to complete the requirements of a sprint triathlon - Swim 1/4 mile, Bike 12.5 miles, Run 3.1 miles. Training will be guided through regular meetings and emails. The training …

  • Climbing Tower Belay Class

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Come learn how to belay at the Climbing Tower and become belay certified! Open only to UCF students with picture ID. Our staff will be teaching you the necessary belay techniques and risk management skills to properly belay at the climbing tower. Upon completion of the class and following five test-outs, you will become belay certified! Sign up will be …
