Tuesday, May 24, 2016

  • Summer Indoor Soccer Captain's Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Already signed up for this league? Well this is the next step to confirming your place in the league. Our Captains Meeting is designed to give you insight into the league you just signed up for. The league coordinator will cover everything from rules, policies, how to avoid forfeit fees, athletic trainers, what to do if you get ejected and …

  • First Aid (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    The purpose of the American Red Cross First Aid class is to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to first aid emergencies. Participants in this class will gain the skills to give immediate care to a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an …

  • Summer 5v5 Basketball Captain's Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Already signed up for this league? Well this is the next step to confirming your place in the league. Our Captains Meeting is designed to give you insight into the league you just signed up for. The league coordinator will cover everything from rules, policies, how to avoid forfeit fees, athletic trainers, what to do if you get ejected and …

  • Summer Tennis Ladder Captain's Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Already signed up for this league? Well this is the next step to confirming your place in the league. Our Captains Meeting is designed to give you insight into the league you just signed up for. The league coordinator will cover everything from rules, policies, how to avoid forfeit fees, athletic trainers, what to do if you get ejected and …
