Monday, May 22, 2017

  • Punch Into Summer

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Looking for a way to stay motivated during the Summer A semester? Punch Into Summer is a free, four week program that encourages you to try some our great services! By completing a variety of fitness-based activities around the RWC, you will earn punches on your punch card. Completing all the activities listed will make you eligible to win some …

  • Indoor Soccer Rules Clinic

    Recreation and Wellness Center: 206

    Meeting for new/seasoned officials to gain knowledge on how to officiate the sport. It is required to attend this meeting in order to officiate this sport for IMs.

  • Basketball Rules Clinic

    Recreation and Wellness Center: 206

    Required meetin for officials to gain knowledge on how to referee this sport and work for IMs.

  • Tennis Ladder Registration Deadline

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    We offer singles and doubles. Players will play 6 weeks in preparation for the playoffs. Matches will begin May 30, 2017.

  • Indoor Soccer Registration Deadline

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    Our fun summer indoor soccer league that is played in the MAC gym typically fills up pretty quickly! Games begin May 30th

  • Basketball Registration Deadline

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    5 week, 5 on 5 basketball league that will end with an all-campus single elimination tournament. Games will begin May 30th. 2017
