Learn how to officiate Flag Football. Here we will go over the rules, positioning, and mechanics for Flag Football. This is the first step in becoming an official for the Intramural Sports program where you will get paid to officiate intramural games for the fall 2017 semester. You must also go to a field clinic in ordered to be selected …
RWCLearn how to officiate 5 on 5 basketball. Here we will go over the rules, positioning, and mechanics for 5 on 5 basketball. This is the first step in becoming an official for the Intramural Sports program where you will get paid to officiate intramural games for the fall 2017 semester. You must also go to a field clinic in …
RWCThis meeting is designed to educate transfer students who are interested in getting involved in Intramural Sports! We will cover everything from what sports we have, divisions of play and finally attempt to get you on a team when our leagues start. Monday August 28th, 2017 @ 8pm-9pm in room 206 Free Agents are highly encouraged to register on imleagues.com/ucf …