Tuesday, January 22, 2019

  • Adult CPR with AED (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center Wet Classroom

    The purpose of the American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED class is to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to adult cardiac and breathing emergencies. Participants in this class will gain the skills to give immediate care to a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. Each participant who successfully completes the course will …

  • Softball Rules Clinic

    Recreation and Wellness Center: 206

    Come learn the rules of Softball and start your officiating journey.

  • Cricket Registration Deadline

    RWC Park

    Sign up for cricket

  • Tennis Registration Deadline

    Recreation and Wellness Center: Tennis Courts

    Semester long season for singles and doubles players to compete games. Single elimination tournament at the end of the season
