Thursday, May 23, 2019

  • 4v4 Volleyball Captains Meeting (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    MANDATORY: Are you a captain for a 4v4 volleyball team? Come out to the captains meeting to ensure your spot in the league.

  • 4v4 Volleyball Captains Meeting (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    MANDATORY: Are you a captain for a 4v4 volleyball team? Come out to the captains meeting to ensure your spot in the league.

  • First Aid (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center Wet Classroom

    The purpose of the American Red Cross First Aid class is to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to first aid emergencies. Participants in this class will gain the skills to give immediate care to a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an …

  • 4 on 4 Flag Football Captains Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    MANDATORY: Are you a captain for a 4 on 4 flag football team? Come out to the captain's meeting to ensure your spot in the league.

  • 5v5 Basketball Field Clinic (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    If you attended the rules clinic for basketball you are required to attend this clinic. Come out and be an official!

  • 5v5 Basketball Field Clinic (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    If you attended the rules clinic for basketball you are required to attend this clinic. Come out and be an official!

  • 4 on 4 Flag Football Field Clinic

    RWC Park

    If you attended the rules clinic for 4 on 4 flag football, you are required to attend this field clinic. Come out and officiate!
