College of Health Professions and Sciences

Monday, June 06, 2022

  • Intensive Reading Camp

    UCF Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic: 3280 Progress Drive Suite 500

    The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic at the University of Central Florida will host an Intensive Reading Camp with UCF literacy experts from June 6 to June 30. All materials are included. To sign up, email This intensive reading intervention camp is for nonreaders or struggling readers entering the 3rd or 4th grade.The camp will be held …

    School of Social Work
  • UCF Remembers

    UCF Reflecting Pond

    UCF Remembers will honor the 49 lives taken at Pulse and celebrate the diversity and equality that unite us all. The event will include a reading of the names of the 49, campus and community speakers, and the lighting of Millican Hall. The ceremony will begin at 7:30p. 

    School of Social Work