College of Health Professions and Sciences

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

  • Intensive Reading Camp

    UCF Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic: 3280 Progress Drive Suite 500

    The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinic at the University of Central Florida will host an Intensive Reading Camp with UCF literacy experts from June 6 to June 30. All materials are included. To sign up, email This intensive reading intervention camp is for nonreaders or struggling readers entering the 3rd or 4th grade.The camp will be held …

    School of Social Work
  • We all have One Pulse - Blood Drive

    Student Union - Plaza : Between STUN and JTWC

    In Remembrance of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, we invite you to honor the victims and their families by donating blood on the Big Red Bus. Help us maintain a safe and ready blood supply for cancer patients, trauma patients or for when unexpected tragedies occur.

    School of Social Work