Tuesday, August 27, 2019

  • Whitewater Rafting & Hiking

    Outdoor Adventure Center: RWC 154

    ***CAN NOT HAVE FRIDAY CLASSES***Known as the longest urban whitewater rafting in the world, the Chattahoochee River in Columbus, GA is most often described to be as "Wild as Colorado and Warm as Costa Rica". This is a 2.5 mile, man-made run which offers the perfect combination of fun and adventure that is unlike anything else on the east coast! …

  • IM Sports Job Fair

    RWC: 206

    Intrested in offitiating for UCF IMs? Come out to our informational session August 27th!

  • Downtown E-Sports Registration Deadline

    Downtown Campus

    Deadline to sign up for our downtown campus E-Sports league.

  • Sunshine Flag Football Clinic Registration Deadline

    RWC Main: 206

    The deadline to sign up your team for our Sunshine Flag Football Tournament.

  • Unified Flag Football Tournament Registration Deadline

    RWC Main: 206

    The deadline to sign up to play in our Unified Flag Football Tournament.

  • Downtown E-Sports Extravaganza - Super Smash Bros

    Downtown Campus

    Downtown tournament during Welcome Week. This will be a Super Smash Bros tournament on the Nintendo Switch.
