Tuesday, July 12, 2022

  • Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes (Recurring Event)


    Freshman, how do you craft a winning resume as you begin your academic career? This webinar for freshman students highlights how to incorporate and plan for collegiate co-curricular experiences on a resume. This session is not available for GEB points. SLS Students: You must refer to your Resume Writing Worksheet for your SLS assignment (found in your Webcourse under "Assignments"). …

    Summer B 2022
  • PHPL Drop-In Advising (Recurring Event)


    Drop-In Advising – Fr, Soph, Jr, Sr, & Alumni: Do you have a quick question? Visit the Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising office via Zoom during our virtual drop-in hours or IN-PERSON during our in office walk-in hours where you will be able to meet with an advisor for up to 15 minutes to ask brief questions. Please see below for …

    Summer B 2022
  • Downtown Grocery Shuttle (Recurring Event)

    Dr. Phillips Academic Commons Seneff Plaza

    UCF Parking and Transportation Services and UCF Student Government are proud to launch a pilot program of the Grocery Shuttle at UCF Downtown and Valencia College Downtown campus. The Grocery Shuttle will be available to UCF and Valencia students to take you from the downtown campus to the Publix at The Paramount on Lake Eola, 400 E. Central Blvd. The shuttle …

    Summer B 2022
  • CAPS Workshop: Social Media and Mental Health


    Join Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) for an online workshop about Social Media and Mental Health. At the workshop time, please join in at: https://bit.ly/CAPSWOW  For more information about Counseling and Psychological Services, please visit https://caps.sdes.ucf.edu/ or call 407-823-2811

    Summer B 2022
  • Couponing 101


    Are you interested in learning how to coupon the right way? That's great! Come and learn how to save money and get items for little to no cost. This one hour workshop will have you excited about shopping on a budget. See you soon... https://ucf.zoom.us/j/96596722488?pwd=a01LY1E2cWx3aXBuS1NBRWJWaDZaQT09 Meeting ID: 965 9672 2488 Passcode: 999098

    Summer B 2022
  • CAPS Workshop: Enhancing Motivation (Recurring Event)


    Join Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) for an online workshop about Enhancing Motivation.  At the workshop time, please join in at: https://bit.ly/CAPSWOW  For more information about Counseling and Psychological Services, please visit https://caps.sdes.ucf.edu/ or call 407-823-2811

    Summer B 2022
  • Yoga (Recurring Event)

    UnionWest 2nd floor, RWC @ Downtown

    Join us for an evening Yoga class in the Group Ex Studio on the 2nd Floor of UW! Feel free to bring a mat and a water bottle. No reservation needed!

    Summer B 2022
  • Dodgeball Tournament Registration Deadline

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Registration deadline for the Dodgeball Tournament. Tournament will take place on Friday, July 15th. Register by Tuesday, July 12th at 6pm. To register or find more information visit: imleagues.com/UCFDodgeball

    Summer B 2022
  • UCF Downtown- eSports Tournament: Rocket League

    DPAC 108

    Join us for an eSports Tournament featuring Rocket League, in DPAC 108 from 7pm-9pm! For more information and for signing up please visit here!

    Summer B 2022