Thursday, September 12, 2019

  • Basketball Captain's Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Mandatory captain's meeting for all intramural basketball team captains.

  • Tennis Captain's Meeting

    Recreation and Wellness Center: MAC Gym

    Mandatory meeting for all intramural tennis team captains.

  • Adult First Aid, CPR, AED (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center Wet Classroom

    This is a blended learning course which combines an online course and an in-person skills session. The purpose of the American Red Cross adult first aid and CPR/AED Blended Learning class is to help participants learn to recognize and respond appropriately to adult first aid, cardiac and breathing emergencies. This course includes an online portion and an instructor-led classroom skills …

  • Aqua Zumba

    Recreation and Wellness Center: Leisure Pool

    We are bringing everything you love about Zumba® to the water! Aqua Zumba® combines the fun of Latin based dance with a water based workout. The organization Zumba® describes Aqua Zumba® : "Aqua Zumba® blends the Zumba® philosophy with water resistance, for one pool party you shouldn’t miss! There is less impact on your joints during an Aqua Zumba® class …

  • IM Flag Football Registration Deadline

    RWC Main: 206

    The deadline to sign up for our intramural 7 on 7 Flag Football league.
