The Office of Graduate Student Life provides a variety of services to support graduate students throughout their time at UCF
As a graduate student you likely have personal and academic related goals that you want to achieve. In this presentation, you will learn strategies for setting goals and ways of staying motivated to accomplish your goals. This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success professional development program for graduate students. See for details.
Graduate Student LifeActions taken as a result of a decision made reflect one’s values and principles. Inherently, we know what is right and wrong behavior but do we understand how others judge right and wrong behavior. This seminar will provide problem-solving methods and critical questioning techniques associated with the practice of ethical decision making. During the seminar, participants will have an opportunity …
Graduate Student LifePlanning a research poster? Learn the basics of poster design and tips on editing free PowerPoint templates. This session covers guidelines about poster elements, layout, graphics, printing, and includes examples of well-designed posters. This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success professional development program for graduate students. See for details.
Graduate Student Life