Tuesday, October 22, 2019

  • AORE Campus Challenge

    UCF Campus - TBA: TBA

    Join Outdoor Adventure as we compete to become National Outdoor Champions! The AORE Campus Challenge is designed to get people outdoors and on adventures in their local area. We will be competing against other universities in Florida, and across the nation, to upload adventure pictures to the Campus Challenge app and win points toward our UCF total. Participants can take …

  • Half Marathon Training Program

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    This 12 week half marathon running program will prepare participants for the OUC Half Marathon in December. The training group meets Wednesdays and Fridays at 7am outside the RWC. No previous half marathon experience is required, however previous fitness experience is recommended. Our pacers will be running under a 15 minute mile to comply with OUC's race pace requirement. More …

  • First Aid (Recurring Event)

    Recreation and Wellness Center Wet Classroom

    The purpose of the American Red Cross First Aid class is to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to first aid emergencies. Participants in this class will gain the skills to give immediate care to a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an …

  • Fit Course: Personal Training

    Recreation and Wellness Center: 206

    Fit Course - Personal Training Participants will meet in the RWC Room 206 on Friday's from 3:30pm-5:00pm. The program meeting dates are: 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8. This free four week course will prepare participants for a national personal training certification. The class is designed to be educational for both beginners and those with more extensive knowledge. There will be both …

  • Women on Weights

    RWC @ Knights Plaza

    Women on Weights 2019 Come join RWC’s experienced female fitness staff for a free, 3-week program aimed at teaching females about resistance training. Women will be taking over the weight floor as we introduce our lady Knights to resistance training equipment and techniques. Additionally, this program will build participants' confidence on the weight floor. The program will meet on Tuesdays …

  • World Cup Captain's Meeting

    RWC: 206

    A mandatory meeting for intramural World Cup team captains.

  • Volleyball Rules Clinic

    RWC: 206

    Want to become an IM Volleyball official? Take the first step by coming out to our rules clinic, no experience necessary!
